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Rising Tide

Premise and Purpose: each of us was born on purpose, for a reason, and with certain gifts. There is no mistake about our life or our gifts or our purpose. Our unique gifts are to make the world a brighter and better place. Period.

If we make poor money decisions it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to share our gifts and talents to improve the world. We stay in the wrong career or company. Our path becomes unclear and we veer off course. The net result is a world lacking your contribution and light.

This course is to help each of us understand and write out your life design, implement wealth and prosperity strategies so that you can afford your unique design, and then learn from timeless stories of wisdom so that you remain in alignment with your life path.

Course Outline: 3 calls and 3 topics

Call 1: Life Design

  • Building a foundation with core agreements.

  • Sketching your life design.

  • Examining key beliefs.

  • Harnessing the power of AAA activities

  • Determining what to dial up or dial down in your life

  • Creating your own Board of Directors

  • Embracing structure and success habits.

Session 2: Create Prosperity

  • Defining wealth.

  • Harnessing the power of compound interest

  • Avoiding group think and codifying success behaviors

  • Building great credit out of the gate

  • Automating your finances

  • Learning to own companies vs loan to companies

Session 3: Alignment and Success

  • Using the tools of influence

  • Building robust and loyal networks

  • Harness your calling and your own metamorphosis.

  • Connecting meaningfully with the world​

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